Interested in making real money from the Audio Recorder Plus?
We giving you $5 of each sale you make!
How it works?
If a visitor to your site clicks the link that takes them to our site,
we use a cookie to anonymously "mark" them. If they make a purchase
of clicking that link, you get $5 of that sale.
How do I get started?
HERE to sign up now for our affiliate program! Once signed up you
will have the power to market any products with specific product links - which
will allow you to be paid your commission for all sales from your link! If customers
see our products on your site, then download and purchase at the our site - you
still get your commission!
I've just signed up. Now what?
Login to your ShareIt affiliate
control panel ,and click "Product Finder", use "Name Search"
to find the keyword "200281307", then click "Join
How can I maximize my earning?
You can maximize the potential by asking us to create a special
build of Audio Recorder Plus which will point customers back to your web
site. When they are running the program and press the "Buy Now" button,
it will take them to your purchase page! please email us your affiliate ID# and
you will receive the special build within one week.